A Guide to Understanding the Legal Significance of a Lien Release

Understanding the legal significance of a lien release is crucial for preserving rights beyond lien claims and avoiding future disputes. This guide provides insights into the implications of lien releases in protecting property interests.



Ariela Wagner



Attorney Reviewed

Last updated:






July 13, 2023

4 Mins


When it comes to construction projects, the legal significance of a lien release should not be underestimated. These documents have far-reaching implications, impacting rights, claims, and potential disputes.

In this article, we will delve into the importance of lien releases, exploring their scope and the need for a comprehensive understanding before signing.

What is a Lien Release?

In Florida, a lien release is a legal document that signifies the satisfaction and removal of a lien on a property or asset. A lien is a claim placed on a property by a creditor or a party with a legal interest in the property to secure a debt or obligation.

What are the implications of a Lien Release?

To comprehend the implications of a lien release, it is essential to carefully examine each release form you are asked to sign. The language and provisions contained within the release govern its effects. For instance, in Florida, the standard statutory release form found in Chapter 713 of the Florida statutes primarily releases lien rights, considering the period leading up to the present date. The effective date is determined by the through date, which we will discuss later.

However, it is crucial to recognize that a lien release, despite its name, can also release other rights beyond lien claims. These may include rights related to change orders, delays, extended time, and general conditions. A thorough review of the construction documents is necessary to fully understand the rights you may be giving up by signing a lien release.

Why are Lien Releases important?

In legal proceedings, competent construction lawyers closely examine lien releases. These documents act as valuable safeguards, serving as a "get out of jail free" card against various potential claims.

Consider a scenario where you file a construction lien and a lawsuit to foreclose on that lien, claiming payment owed until the end of the previous month. If, in prior months, you received partial payments in exchange for releases, but the through date mentioned in those releases extends beyond the accepted amount, they can be used against you in the future. Thus, it is crucial to carefully assess releases to avoid unintentionally waiving more rights than anticipated.

Lien Releases Florida

What does a Lien Release in Florida include?

The lien release in Florida typically includes the following information:

  1. Identification: The document should identify the parties involved, including the creditor or lienholder and the property owner.
  2. Description: It should provide a clear description of the property or asset on which the lien was placed.
  3. Lien details: The lien release should specify the type of lien, such as a mortgage lien, mechanic's lien, or judgment lien, along with any relevant details, such as the lien's recording information.
  4. Debt satisfaction: The document should state that the debt or obligation secured by the lien has been fully paid, satisfied, or otherwise resolved.
  5. Signatures: Both the creditor or lienholder and the property owner (or their authorized representatives) must sign the lien release document.
  6. Notarization: In some cases, the lien release may require notarization to validate the signatures.

Once the lien release is executed and properly recorded with the appropriate county or state office, it becomes an official record, indicating that the lien has been released and the property is no longer encumbered. This allows the property owner to have a clear title and freely engage in transactions involving the property.

What are the Steps to Release a lien in Florida?

Steps to Release a lien in Florida

Releasing a lien in Florida typically involves the following steps:

Step 1: Get Paid

Ensure that the debt or obligation secured by the construction lien has been fully satisfied and that payment has been received from the property owner or responsible party. It is crucial to have evidence of the payment, such as receipts or bank statements.

Step 2: Prepare the Lien Release Document

Draft a lien release document that complies with Florida's legal requirements. The document should include pertinent details such as the property description, lien recording information, and the amount of the debt or obligation.

Step 3: Include Necessary Language

Include specific language stating that the lien is being released and discharged. The document should clearly state that the debt has been fully satisfied and that the lien is no longer valid.

Step 4: Obtain Signatures

Both the lienor (the party who filed the lien) and the lienor's attorney (if applicable) must sign the lien release document. Additionally, the property owner or their authorized representative should also sign the document to acknowledge the lien release.

Step 5: Notarize the Lien Release

Florida law requires that lien releases be notarized. Arrange for a notary public to witness the signing of the lien release document and affix their official seal and signature.

Step 6: File the Lien Release

Submit the lien release document to the appropriate county or state office for filing. In Florida, this is typically the county recorder's office where the initial construction lien was recorded.

Step 7: Serve the Lien Release on Interested Parties

Serve copies of the filed lien release to all parties with an interest in the property, including the property owner, general contractor, and any other parties that may have received a copy of the initial construction lien. This helps ensure that all relevant parties are aware of the lien release and its effect on the property.

Step 8: Retain Proof of Filing and Service

Keep copies of the filed lien release and proof of service for your records. These documents serve as evidence that the lien has been released and provide protection in case of any future disputes.

It is important to note that the specific requirements and procedures for releasing a construction lien in Florida may vary depending on the circumstances and applicable laws.

How to avoid Unforeseen Consequences when handling Lien Waivers and Releases?

  • Lien waivers can go beyond releasing lien claims and may impact other rights.
  • Signing a release without considering the content may waive delay claim rights.
  • It is crucial to understand the release's content to preserve all relevant rights.
  • Carefully review the waiver to ensure it does not inadvertently relinquish important claims.
  • Seek legal advice if unsure about the impact of the lien waiver on other rights.
  • Preservation of rights requires a thorough understanding of the release's provisions.

What are the different Perspectives on Releases?

  • General contractors should obtain comprehensive and broad releases from subcontractors.
  • Broad releases protect general contractors from potential future claims such as delays, change orders, extended general conditions, and lien rights.
  • Obtaining broad releases reduces the risk of subcontractors seeking additional compensation for unforeseen circumstances or project extensions.
  • Subcontractors should also obtain broad releases from their sub-subcontractors for consistent protection and to mitigate potential liability.

Key Takeaway

Understanding the legal significance of a lien release goes beyond releasing lien rights alone. These documents hold significant implications, potentially waiving rights related to delays, change orders, and other contractual entitlements. Parties involved in construction projects must exercise caution when signing and providing lien releases, fully comprehending the rights they are relinquishing. Diligence and proactivity in securing and reviewing lien releases can protect construction professionals from future disputes and claims, promoting smoother project outcomes while minimizing legal complexities.

About Author


Ariela Wagner

Ariela is the president and founder of SunRay Construction Solutions. She has over 18 years of construction industry experience. Read More>


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